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Interviewed by Channel 8 News on Weight Loss

Physician Gabriel Chan was interviewed by Channel 8 News on why people tend to put on weight during festive seasons. He further explained what how TCM can help with such issues.

Recovered from Knee Pain
- Fr Francis (Priest)

Fr Francis was experiencing knee pain in his mid 30s as he was very active and sporty in his early years.

Watch this video to understand how he returned to his active lifestyle with the assistance of Oak Health Chinese Medicine.

Recovered from Slipped Disc
- Linda (Child Care Teacher)

Linda was suffering from herniated disc which has caused her numbness, pain, and tingling that radiates down the arm and to her fingers. Watch this video to find out how Oak Health helped her to recover from this without her having to go through surgery.

"Doctor Chan is a gentle and nice person. He is very professional and shows great patience in explaining everything to you. Great experience, highly knowledgeable and very friendly. 

The cupping and tuina is very effective in helping me with my shoulder and back ache due to long hours of bad sitting posture in office."

Back and Shoulder Pain
Elton. L (NTU Researcher)

My knees were hurting for many years and I had difficulty standing or walking for too long. This has resulted in me having to take taxi to work every morning.

I did a check with the hospital and they suggested a knee replacement surgery due to the extensive wear and tear of cartilage at the knee area. I was hesitant and a friend recommended me TCM Physician Gabriel Chan. He advised that acupuncture and Chinese Medication would help.

After 3 sessions of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, the pain was significantly reduced. I persevered with the treatments and after about 2 months, I no longer feel any pain in either knees. I attempted to take the public transport to work and it is something I could work with now.

I would highly recommend Physician Gabriel Chan to my friends who have knee conditions."

Knee Pain
Nelly. L (Banker)

I went to Oak Health Chinese Medicine clinic to seek treatment for my Parkinson's disease. I was not able to walk properly and balance had an issue before I went for treatment. I fell down a few times due to this condition. At Oak Health, Dr Gabriel did scalp acupuncture and gave me chinese medicine. After a month or so, I realise that I am able to walk with more balance and my movement was more agile. I am very thankful and happy to Oak Health for helping me with the Parkinson's disease."

Parkinson's Disease
K. M. Yeo (Retiree)

I brought my dad to see Oak Health for frequent headache and facial numbness. He has been having this issue for quite a long time and we have sought treatment from many other clinics but to no avail.

Dr Gabriel at Oak Health could very quickly determine the cause of the headache and facial numbness. He was very patient in explaining to my dad why he was experiencing those symptoms. From the pulse he could also tell of other symptoms that my dad was experiencing and we did not need to even spell them out. I found that simply AMAZING!

We then went on to do treatment which includes a scalp acupuncture and body acupuncture. After one session, my dad was surprised that he could feel relief of pain as he did not expect it to be so quick. Subsequent follow up sessions helped to further eliminate the pain and numbness. The whole process took around 3 months but trust me, it was all worth it!

The entire team at Oak Health was very pleasant and professional. They were able to answer all our queries and helped us to persevere on. We were very glad that we found this clinic and we hope that all those who read this will be able to benefit and get into better health!"

Headache & Facial Numbness
Mr A. Teo
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